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Objection handling in sales: examples and strategies to overcome

Listen. Understand. Respond.

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Objections are the best way to get in touch with your customer’s needs. They’re opportunities to show that you’re listening to them and considering their concerns.

When you handle objections in a respectful and non-defensive manner, it shows them that you care about their feedback, and it also helps them feel like they can trust you as a company.

This article will explain objection handling in detail.

What is Objection Handling?

Objection handling is the process of addressing and resolving customer concerns or questions that may prevent them from making a purchase.

Objection Handling Examples

When you’re in sales, objections are bound to happen. The key is to be prepared and know how to handle them effectively. Here are some examples of common objections and some tips on how to address them:

1. “I’m not interested.”

This objection can be tough to overcome, but it’s important to remember that just because someone says they’re not interested doesn’t mean they never will be.
Try to find out more about their needs and pain points and see if there’s a way your product or service can help. If not, politely move on.

2. “I don’t have the budget.”

Budget is often a top concern for prospects, so it’s not surprising that this is a common objection.

Again, try to find out more about their needs and see if there’s a way to work within their budget. If not, let them know you understand and see if there’s another solution you can offer or if they’d be interested in learning more about your product or service for future reference.

3. “I’m not the decision maker.”

If you’re talking to someone who isn’t the decision maker, find out who is and try to get in touch with them. In the meantime, see if there’s any other way you can be of assistance.

4. “I’ve already tried that, and it didn’t work.”

If a prospect has tried your product or service before and it didn’t work for them, find out why. It could be that they didn’t use it correctly, or they may have had a different need that wasn’t being met. Once you know more, you can offer another solution or suggest another way to use your product or service.

5. “I need to think about it.”

In this case, your prospect might need more time to consider your product. So thank them for talking with you and give them some days to think about your offer. Let them know if they want any additional information, and you’re happy to provide it.

When you know how to handle objections effectively, you’ll be one step closer to making the sale.

Why Do You Need to Improve Objection Handling?

There are many reasons why improving this skill is crucial to boost your sales performance.

  • You could be missing out on sales because of poor objection handling. This is especially true if your customers say “I’m not sure” or “I’m not interested.” If you don’t follow up with them at this point and ask questions to find out what they need, you might never understand what they’re looking for.
  • Objection handling is more than just responding to objections; it’s also about figuring out customers’ expectations and trying to fulfill them.

When you hear them out and then address them in a way that makes sense to your prospect, they’re more likely to stick around and continue working with you. It helps you turn “no” into “yes.”

10 Objection Handling Tactics

To effectively handle objections, you need to quickly identify the type of objection you’re dealing with. Once you’ve done that, you can craft a response tailored to overcoming that specific type of objection.

The key to successful objection handling is to defuse the situation and turn it into a positive conversation. Try the following techniques:

1. Acknowledge the Objection

The first step is to acknowledge that you’ve heard the objection. This shows you’re listening and you understand where the other person is coming from.

2. Listen Carefully and Paraphrase What You Hear

Sometimes, customers will need your help in explaining their concerns for you to understand what they’re really saying. Other times, they’ll want you to repeat back what they’ve said so that it’s clear you’ve heard them correctly.

3. Ask Open-ended Questions

You might want to ask questions like “Why?” or “What do you mean?” or “How would that happen?”. These questions will give you more information about how the customer feels about something, which can help resolve any potential issues or concerns about your product or service.

4. Validate the Objection

Once you’ve acknowledged the objection, you need to validate it. For example, suppose someone says they’re not interested in your product because it’s too expensive. In that case, you might say, “I completely understand where you’re coming from. Our product is definitely an investment.”

5. Reframe the Objection

After you’ve acknowledged and validated the objection, it’s time to reframe it. This means looking at the situation from a different perspective.

For example, suppose someone says they don’t need your product because they’re already doing well. In that case, you might say, “I completely understand where you’re coming from. Our product is designed for people who want to take their business to the next level.”

6. Don’t Take Any Comments Personally

Instead of getting defensive or letting it affect your attitude, ask questions about why your product or service isn’t working for them. Then, see if there’s anything else you can do to improve things.

7. Avoid Arguments

It’ll only worsen a situation if you try to argue with your prospect or convince them your product is the best. Instead, acknowledge their point of view and provide details that address their objection while still selling your product or service in a way that benefits both parties involved (this is called “the win-win approach”).

8. Be Friendly

You will want to be friendly and make the customer feel comfortable enough to share their concerns. If they don’t feel like they can trust you, there’s not much hope for a successful resolution.

9. Use Social Proof

Showing off testimonials from previous customers or using evidence from third-party sources like reviews or awards won by companies who use your product/service. This can help convince people because it makes them feel like others have already tried it out and found it worthwhile.

10. Incentivize Your Prospect

Offer a discount or a free gift to get the customer to close the deal. If you don’t have an offer, it’s okay to ask them what they would accept to close the deal.

Objections are a natural part of doing business. But it’s important to remember that not all objections are created equal. Some may be legitimate concerns that need to be addressed, while others may be nothing more than roadblocks being used to stall the sale. That’s why you need to have an objection-handling strategy in place.

No matter what technique you use, the key is staying calm and respectful and keeping the conversation going. In doing so, you can turn any objection into a positive conversation.

Core UX Writer at Booking.com

Lavender Nguyen is a Freelance Content Writer focusing on writing well-researched, data-driven content for B2B commerce, retail, marketing, and SaaS companies. Also known as an Email Marketing Specialist, she helps ecommerce B2C brands develop high-converting, customer-focused email strategies.
