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Renewing Exchange / Office 365 / Gmail and Salesforce Access Credentials


If your mailbox or Salesforce credentials get changed or expire, RGES will no longer be able to work with your data. However, you can easily renew your Salesforce and/or MS Exchange authorization to let RG Email Sidebar regain access to your mailbox and/or CRM data.


Microsoft Access Tokens Expiration Explained


See this Microsoft article for complete information on refresh tokens


When an access token expires, MS Office clients use a valid refresh token to obtain a new access token. This exchange succeeds if the user’s initial authentication is still valid.
By default, refresh tokens are valid for 90 days; however, with continuous use they can remain valid until revoked.

Refresh tokens can get auto-invalidated in the following cases:
User’s password has changed since the refresh token was issued.
If an administrator applies conditional access policies that restrict access to the resource the user is trying to access.



Refreshing RGES MS Office 365 access

Follow the steps below:

1. Open RGES Sync Dashboard from the Sidebar and go to Sync settings > E-Mail Configuration in the navigation pane on the left


2. To refresh your MS Office 365 authorization: click Refresh and enter your login credentials in the Microsoft Online OAuth window that appears
To use other login credentials or update your MS Office 365 access password if it was changed, click Change next to Change E-Mail Account or Server


3. Enter your login credentials in the corresponding fields of the OAuth window that appears. ​



Refreshing RGES MS Exchange access

To get your MS Exchange access credentials renewed, do the following:

1. Open Sync Dashboard from the Sidebar and go to Sync settings > E-Mail Configuration in the navigation pane on the left

2. To refresh MS Exchange access token, click Refresh in RGES Sync Dashboard window that appears


To use other login credentials or update your MS Exchange mailbox access password if it was changed, click Change next to Change E-Mail Account or Server, select Microsoft Exchange, or unsure and enter the new mailbox login credentials in the following window.

Note that here you can also specify a new EWS configuration URL for your mailbox.



Refreshing RGES Gmail access

If RGES Chrome Extension’s Gmail access token expires or your Gmail password gets updated, do the following to refresh the access:

1. Open Sync Dashboard from the Extension’s Sidebar

2. Open Sync Settings > E-Mail Configuration and click Refresh to refresh an expired access token or update the password


3. Enter your Gmail login credentials in the Gmail OAuth window that appears

4. In the following dialog window, click Allow to re-authorize RGES access to your Gmail data

>>> Click to see a screenshot <<<



Refreshing RGES Salesforce access


1. Open RGES Sync Dashboard from the Sidebar and go to Sync settings > CRM in the navigation pane on the left


2. To update the Salesforce login token: click Refresh under Salesforce Access on the right-hand side if you need
To use different Salesforce login credentials or update your password: click Change next to Change Salesforce account


3. Enter your Salesforce login credentials or select a previously saved account from among Saved Usernames in Salesforce OAuth window that appears.



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